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The research groups supported by ARC-CREST are listed below. For more information on a specific research group, click the highlighted link (where applicable). Click here to view the compiled 2023-24 research plans for all current projects.

Earth Science Applied Sciences Program

  1. Agriculture, Health and Marine Studies
  2. Climate Adaptation Science Investigators (CASI)
  3. Disaster Management
  4. Ecological Forecasting
  5. Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events Mission (GEO-CAPE)
  6. Indigenous Peoples Capacity Building Program
  7. Partnerships: NASA’s Earth Science Division and Conservation International
  8. Plant Physiology
  9. Water Resources Program 
  10. Water Quality Monitoring for National Geospatial Agency
  11. Western Water Applications Office (WWAO)


  1. Elucidating the Nitrogen Cycle of Eu:CROPIS Euglena: Combined Regenerative Organic-food Production In Space
  2. Raman Spectroscopy as a Viral sensor
  3. Synthetic Biology 


  1. Collaborative Space Weather Model
  2. Heliophysics Modeling and Simulation
  3. Solar Physics Modeling
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